EDIT: I was just told this already exists, and it's called "industrial." This must be the work of Pale Canine again, because one of these "industrial" bands is called "Skinny Puppy." We must be a real threat to them, otherwise why would they do this?
It's times like this that Staind and P.O.D. just don't help us feel better. Not even Miracles.
LOLCats might help distract everyone that keeps stigmatizing us! It's their fault we're forced to post them everywhere on our page so it makes their questions disappear. Again with the questions. "Where did all of your demos go?" "Why haven't you ever hosted any of the events you posted?" "What happened to the money people paid for them?" I don't have to answer any of those questions, and definitely not about where this case of Faygo came from.
But the LOLCats don't stop them. Still they ask, "If you're an rpg company, why are you posting LOLCats everywhere?" So since we listen to only the parts of questions from our fans that we want to, we are proud to announce our new game: LOLCats: The Game That's Like Vampire With Cats.
Now you can stalk the night with felinitorial predatoriness.
There are the Elegrrr, fluffy cats with squished faces who rule over catkind.
Then the Bumeowy, black, totally creepy cats that you swear are in one room, but then find them in another. How do they do that? We won't tell you until the Bumeowy sourcebook, because business models deserve copying too! They are always peeking at you from underneath things.
Finally, there are the Chrowrchie, the xxxtreme cats that have dominated the tops of doorways, leaping kicks, and jumping on children's heads since at least 1992. They run through the night, yowling like strays and tomcats in the night. Like cats do. Especially tomcats.
Since mentioning LOLCats five minutes ago, our staff has been working hard on this book and we already have 40 pages written. There is no preview yet, but the odds are it will look almost exactly like this, once we find our thesaurus and some images to copy.
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